

I used to take for granted the simplicity of hopping on my bike and peddling to my destination.
Now I rely on those dreaded things called highways to get me to where I need to be.
I feel like people who created highways hated humanity.
Never do you know your true self then when you've spent 2 hours behind the wheel of your car cursing at all of the "slow" people in front of you. Why can't they just go faster?

I've become acutely aware of every single part of the front end of my car, mostly because when i am parked on 95 or 76 i have a lot of time to stare at my interior.
It's nice...i like my car, what i don't like is when my car is not going at 80mph with nobody in front of me.
Another wonderful feature of traffic is the bonding you experience with your fellow commuters.
never have i made so many friends then the day i was dancing alone in my car while three vans full of teenagers drove by and jammed with me...yeah, eff air conditioning, share the tunes!

In a way it is a sheer test of will.
Can you sit still for two hours when your body is only capable of doing so for 20mins at any given time?
My will has been tested, and I fail pretty consistently.
Never have I felt like I have ADD as much as when i am crawling around a curve that I know i should be almost flipping over around.

In short, driving sucks...all the time.
also, gas prices make my pockets sad.

the end.

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