

I feel like no matter what I try to do to figure things out, life always reminds me that I will never be in control.
Sometimes I wish it were as simple as black and white...a path laid out in front of each and every one of us...but that wouldn't be much of an adventure now would it.
Happiness is relative.
Once you find it, some monkey wrench gets thrown in to jeopardize it.

Maybe I just haven't found it yet.
Answers are getting harder and harder to come by these days, I guess that's part of the process.
But then again, clarity has to come from both sides, from me and from the things and people of the world that I have no control over.
Do you ever wish that you could figure out what someone was thinking...what their motivation was or is?

I never did, until now.
I guess I'm just shaken, a mini earthquake.